Our club Rides Program provides a variety of riding opportunities to suit the needs of our members including monthly group rides, Ride To Eat (RTE), Breakfast and Rides Meetings, Ad Hoc rides, and ride-related events sponsored by local dealers, etc. We like to plan our rides using back roads (the twistier the better) and scenic highways/by-ways, avoiding interstate highways as much as possible. We also like to break up large group attendance into small riding groups of no more than six riders. This facilitates group management and control and increases the fun factor.

In addition to the club-specific rides and events listed in the Rides and Events calendar, ride-specific details can be found on the club’s BMW BMW Group on Meet Up. Other events will have a URL that will take you to the specific activity website.

SRR 23 Group Pic 1
Planned Rides

The schedule for monthly rides will be developed in December for the following calendar year. Ride suggestions will be solicited from club members and include popular rides such as Gravel Roads Ride and Fall Colors Ride. The goal is to have at least one group ride for each month but is not limited to one per month. Ad hoc rides are an integral part of our Rides Program. As the name implies rides can be scheduled on a whim. A member who has the itch to ride and wants company can provide ride information to the Ride Chair who will then schedule the ride on MeetUp.

Ride-To-Eat (RTE)

RTEs are a fun and favorite ride activity for many of our members. RTEs are a combination of riding and eating. A food objective is identified and a fun route is planned to the destination. The return ride can be planned/unplanned or left to each individual attendee.

Breakfast Meetings

Breakfast meetings and post-breakfast rides are held on a monthly basis in Virginia (Main Street Pub) and Maryland (Free Range Cafe). This is an opportunity for regular and new members to socialize and enjoy a good meal. Post-breakfast rides are decided among the attendees and the route can be classified as ad hoc.

Lunch Run Summer 23
Bollinger's BBQ
Still 59 Final
Charity Ride XO post MOA Rally June 2023

Non-riding events of interest to the community are listed on the Rides and Events page. Many of these events are sponsored by local dealerships or other organizations. Details for these events are accessed via URL for the event.

Ride Schedule

The Rides and Events Calendar lists the club activities for the calendar year and will be updated on a monthly basis. Specific ride information will be detailed in MeetUp

Veteran's Day 3
Veteran's Day 2
Square Route Rally (SRR) Rides

Rides during the Square Route Rally can be done as a group or individually. Group rides, paved or unpaved, will be developed for the rally based on interest and will be listed on the rally website. Individual rides can be self-planned or make use of a collection of historical ride files (gpx or cue sheets).

Mike Seay Bio Pic 2
SRR 22